Kevin and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple.
It is hard to believe it has been 8 years. It has flown by and I am so grateful to have had Kevin by my side.
What has happened in the past 8 years? (here's just a few things)
-Kevin has worked for the same company.
-We have lived in the same state.
-Lived in an apartment, a house, a condo, and another house.
-Had 3 cute kids.
-Owned 6 cars/trucks
-Painted lots of walls and completed many projects.
-Went on fun family vacations
-Had our car stolen once and our house broken into once.
-Enjoyed many moments of happiness, some sadness, and have learned so much together.
I am one lucky girl to have a husband who works so hard for his family, is fun to be around, can fix anything, so talented, smart, takes good care of me, loves me, an amazing father, has so much patience, loves the gospel, and is my best friend.