Luke was baptized on February 4th. He was the only one from our ward being baptized that day. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time. At the beginning of 2011 the primary issued a challenge for families to read the Book of Mormon together in a year. We started off really well, but didn't quite keep up the pace to finish in a year.
Luke had set a personal goal that he wanted to finish the Book of Mormon before he was baptized. So when he knew we wouldn't reach the goal as a family, he started reading on his own. I would sometimes find him reading at night with a flashlight in his bed, or up early before everyone else reading on the couch. He would spend some time on Sundays trying to catch up with his reading. He was my example as I watched him work so hard to reach his goal. When he got to the last chapter of the Book of Mormon he wanted to read it as a family. I was glad he wanted us to be a part of that moment. When we finished reading he had a huge smile on his face and said, "I kind of feel like I want to cry. I just feel so good inside." I explained to him that it was the Holy Ghost testifying to him that the Book of Mormon was true. I am truly grateful for that moment to help him recognize the Spirit and to see the beginnings of his testimony. It was a strength to my testimony as well.
A sweet young woman in our ward took some pictures of Luke in the suit he wore. This suit barely fit him, but we really wanted him to wear it because it is the same suit that all 5 of my brothers wore on their baptism days. Luke was a good sport and endured a snug waistband. :)

We were so grateful to have Grandma Hutchings and Grandma & Grandpa Cottrell come from Utah.
I wish I would have taken more pictures after the baptism of those that attended. We appreciated all the support! Luke invited a kid from his school class and it was a wonderful surprise to see the boy and his mom at the baptism. That's my little missionary!
I can't believe my oldest is 8. Where does the time go? I'm not sure how to answer that question because the time has flown by way too fast for my liking. Even though it is hard to see him grow up, I am proud of him and the choices he is making.