Friday, June 15, 2007

Follow Up

The sticker chart worked great at home. Luke and I had a really good week last week as I tried to focus on the positive and he worked hard to earn his stickers. As for nursery, he wouldn't go in last week. That is the first time in a very long time that he would not go into nursery. He has completed his chart and earned his garbage truck toy. We will see how this Sunday goes and if I need to start another chart!


Wendy said...

Hmm... maybe I should stop saying, "Jules DO NOT play in the garbage can!" and start saying, "Yay! You stopped playing in the garbage can!" Of course then she might play in it just to get recognition when she stops. I think I need to rethink that. I'm sure I could positive-reinforce her away from it somehow. Any tips?

Jess said...

I think I need another sticker chart to remind me to be positive. It is so hard, I didn't do as well the last couple of days. So I'm probably not the one to come to for tips. :)

Jamie said...

You are an AWESOME mom! What a great idea! Sometimes we can see instantly the difference we can make, huh?

It's Been a Day! said...

Im' glad it worked. once I think Tyson could understand the concept, I'm going to use that on him!!